Sins of a solar empire races
Sins of a solar empire races

The Loyalists adhere to the original principles of the of the race they are part of, while the Rebels wish to do things differently.

sins of a solar empire races

In Rebellion, all 3 races are split into two factions: the Loyalists and the Rebels. They were persecuted and driven from their home planet by the TEC generations ago for researching these technologies, and the descendants of the original Advent returned 10 years into the current conflict to inflict revenge on the TEC. The Advent are a pseudo religious offshoot human faction who rely on a collective mentality called the ‘unity’, as well as Psi-tech and Biotechnology.

sins of a solar empire races

The TEC were initially on the back foot due to being an economically driven society, but they eventually pushed back after retooling factories to produce weapons and arming their ships, causing a stalemate. Whilst fleeing from this unknown power, they stripped worlds of resources to replace losses until they arrived in TEC (Human) space, who took up arms against having their own planets raided by the Vasari threat and fought back. Any forays to investigate ended with no return, and no distress calls. The Vasari are the only alien race: once the strongest power in the galaxy with an almighty empire, they are but a fraction of their former selves due to an unknown threat which has moved into their territory and attacked Vasari held world’s, silencing them completely.

sins of a solar empire races

Sins of a Solar Empire is based on an interstellar war involving 3 factions: the Trader Emergency Coalition (TEC), the Advent, and the Vasari. The HUD, which contains all these elements, is one of the best ever incorporated into a strategy game and is very intuitive and easy to use. Research is conducted by building military and civilian laboratories around the planet. As well as these resources you have fleet capacity and capital ship crews, which determine how big your fleet can be and how many capital ships you can sustain, which are both increased through research.

Sins of a solar empire races